Furniture storage Valais

Secure premises at Qualidem furniture storage Valais

Why put your goods at Qualidem Garde-meubles Valais ?

When you move, there is sometimes a period of time when work needs to be done, the dates of the inventory of fixtures do not follow each other, for an inheritance or simply to have an extra room.
To deal with all of this with peace of mind,
Just think of Qualidem Garde-meubles Valais for
quick, simple and efficient solutions Secure storage in Valais.
Formalities carried out simply, quickly and without
Furniture storage Lausanne

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Furniture storage Valais

Si vous recherchez un service de garde-meubles de confiance en Valais, en Suisse, Qualidem Garde-Meubles est là pour répondre à tous vos besoins de stockage. Nous proposons des solutions de garde-meubles professionnelles et sécurisées à Monthey, Martigny, Fully, Sion, Sierre et dans les environs.

Lorsque vous manquez d’espace chez vous ou que vous avez besoin de stocker temporairement vos biens, notre service de garde-meubles est la solution idéale. Nous comprenons que vos biens sont précieux pour vous, c’est pourquoi nous offrons des installations de stockage de haute qualité pour assurer leur sécurité et leur protection.

Nos garde-meubles sont équipés de box individuels et sécurisés, conçus pour préserver l’intégrité de vos biens. Chaque box est surveillé en permanence et protégé par des mesures de sécurité avancées, telles que des systèmes d’alarme et des caméras de surveillance. Vous pouvez avoir l’esprit tranquille en sachant que vos biens sont entre de bonnes mains.

Que vous ayez besoin de stocker quelques meubles ou des biens plus volumineux, nous avons des options de taille de box adaptées à vos besoins. Nos espaces de stockage sont propres, secs et bien entretenus pour assurer la préservation de vos biens. De plus, nous offrons un accès facile à vos affaires, vous permettant de récupérer vos biens lorsque vous en avez besoin.

En choisissant Qualidem Garde-Meubles, vous bénéficiez également d’un service client exceptionnel. Notre équipe est amicale, professionnelle et prête à répondre à toutes vos questions et préoccupations. Nous comprenons que chaque client est unique, c’est pourquoi nous nous efforçons de fournir un service personnalisé et de qualité supérieure à chaque étape du processus.

Que vous ayez besoin d’un stockage à court terme ou à long terme, nous avons des solutions flexibles pour répondre à vos besoins. Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec vous pour déterminer la meilleure option de stockage en fonction de vos biens et de votre budget.

N’attendez plus et contactez Qualidem Garde-Meubles dès aujourd’hui pour obtenir un devis personnalisé et réserver votre espace de stockage en Valais. Nous sommes fiers de vous offrir un service de garde-meubles fiable, sécurisé et pratique. Faites confiance à notre expertise pour prendre soin de vos biens pendant qu’ils sont entreposés chez nous.

What are the differences between self-storage Valais and traditional furniture storage Valais?

The traditional Valais storage facility. It is a secured warehouse where wooden containers are piled up on the height. Qualidem Garde-meubles Valais has been offering this type of storage for over 20 years.
Self-storage. This is a storage facility divided into private Valais boxes of different volumes. The USA was the first country to offer self-storage. In Europe, self-storage companies such as Qualidem Garde-meubles Valais are breathing new life into traditional furniture storage.
 Therefore, you can choose Qualidem furniture storage Valais for these two formulas in Valais Switzerland and thus ensure the safety of your belongings

Eco-responsible furniture storage in the Valais

We accompany you in your removal project in an eco-responsible way thanks to the use of recycled cardboard boxes but also by reducing the environmental impact of our storage spaces by obtaining the Green Storage Evolution label.

Removal company Sierre

The security of your belongings is very important for Qualidem garde meuble valais

How does it work?

The traditional furniture storage. Qualidem removal ensures the transport and the loading of your goods in sealed wooden boxes.

This wooden box will then be stored in our secure warehouses.

Self storage. You can bring your belongings with you at any time and arrange them yourself in your cell. You can store or empty your belongings over several days.


What storage sizes are available?

Traditional furniture storage. The sizes of the boxes are: 8 or 12 m3. Your belongings can be divided into several wooden boxes.

The self-storage. Qualidem self-storage offers a wide choice of cell sizes. Small sizes from 1M² to 34M² boxes. All your belongings can be stored in one box.

Need a free quote? contact us quickly!


Need an extra room?

Over time, we tend to have many more items than we need. We then have to temporarily get rid of this excess, sorting things out, sometimes reluctantly, as it is not always easy to find enough space at home. To remedy this, contact Qualidem Garde-meubles Valais. Renting a storage unit is very useful during a move and in many other situations. Instead of having to transport all your belongings, you can bring them without stress to a furniture repository in Valais or to a self storage facility designed for this purpose. This facility can accommodate all your belongings: boxes, furniture, bedding, bicycles, skis, etc.

You can also opt for this solution if you are leaving Switzerland for an indefinite period. Renting a storage unit in Valais is especially important when you plan to be away for a few months or years. The same applies when you are carrying out major renovation work.

The traditional Valais furniture store. A contract is established and we offer you the 1st month

Self storage. The contract is monthly. You pay for the rental of the box and you have no additional costs, the first month is free.


Self-storage is flexible and practical even for short periods. You can access your box as often as you like.

More and more people in Switzerland are using self-storage in the Valais when they move house or have work done.






Nothing could be easier!

Calculate your volume online

Volume calculator

01. Kitchen
Low sideboard
Fridge (small)
Fridge (large)
Chest of drawers
Microwave oven
Chair *
Number of cartons*.
Expect to pay about
02. Salon
Sideboard / china cabinet*
Box / trunk*
Upright piano
Grand piano* (in French)
TV stand* (in French)
Living room bookcase
Stand lamp* (for use in the home)
2-seater sofa
3-seater sofa
Coffee table
Armchair *
Chair *
Carpet *
Cat tree* (in French)
Number of cartons*.
Expect to pay about
03. Room
Single bed
Double bed *
Bedside table
Chest of drawers
Large cupboard
Small cupboard *
Armchair* (for example)
Number of cartons*.
Expect to pay about
04. Office
Tall cupboard
Low cabinet* (1)
Office chair *
Number of cartons*.
Expect to pay about
05. Miscellaneous
Lawn mower* (1)
Garden tools
Table tennis table
Large plant*.
Small plants
Fitness equipment
Washing machines* (1)
Tumble dryer
Motorbike *
Chaise longue* (lounge chair)
Safe deposit box *
Wine cellar
Number of cartons*.
Expect to pay about
Your total volume
For the kitchen, count approximately :
For the exhibition, count approximately :
For the rooms, count approximately :
For the office, count approximately :
For miscellaneous equipment, count approximately :
IN TOTAL, count
Click on previous to change the values